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How to become TutorArc International Certified Tutor?

We are hiring Physics, Chemistry, Maths & Biology tutors for Higher Grade. Follow the below listed steps and become a certified tutor.
Step 1 : Screening Test
It's an online MCQ test based on choosen subject.
Step 2 : Main Test
Screening test qualified applicant will attempt main test.
Step 3 : Training
After qualifiying main test, our counselor will provide tutor panel training as well as online tutoring methods to students
Step 4 : Certification Test
Final interview will be based on subject knowledge, panel knowlege and way of teaching. Qualified applicant becomes a certified tutor.

Apply for Screening Test

Kindly attempt screening test carefully. Any one can reattempt same after 1 months.

  I accept all terms and conditions and abide them.

Frequently asked questions
For tutor jobs
What is online tutoring?
Online tutoring is a process in which a certified tutor can teach a registered student from their home via computer enabled internet connection. 
Can I become certified tutor?
Sure, you can become a certified tutor if you follow all selection criteria as well as have all necessary tools like a internet enabled computer and others.
Which grade and subject are available for tutoring?
TutorArc provide Math, English, Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Accountancy & Statistics subjects tutoring for all grades.
Who can apply for an online tutor?
Teachers, Lecturer, Professors, PhD students, and Industry Professionals, who are all passionate about their areas of expertise and eager to help students learn.
What is the selection procedure for certified tutor?
Any one can become certified tutor by clearing below mentioned 4 steps:
1. Screening Test : Its a 30 minute MCQ based test. All question will be based on their grade standard. All instructions will be displayed before starting test on screen.
2. Main Test : After qualifying screening test, subject based test will be conduted by our experts. It will be within 15 days of screening test.
3. Training : Our trainer will provide training to use online teaching panel and white board tools as well as the other details which will be helpful to teach Indian students as well as US & UK students.
4. Certification Test : TutorArc management team will finalize candidate as an International certified tutor. After final selection, tutor account will be created and online tutoring will be start from tutor side.
Time around all process will be around 1 month.
What happen if I could not qualify the screening test?
After one month of previous attempt, you can apply again for the same.
What is the structure and syllabus for screening test?
Screening test will be pure subject related MCQ based. Time duration and other information will display before starting screening test. Syllabus of the test will be based on their grade and subject.
For Lower Grade : Syllabus will be upto 7th standard.
For Medium Grade : Syllabus will be upto 11th standard.
For Higher Grade : Syllabus will be upto Graduation standard
For College Grade : Syllabus will be upto PG standard.
What is the structure and syllabus for main test?
It will be same as screening test. It will be in presence of our team while screening test will be attempt from any where and any time.
What is training process?
After qualifiying main test, our training team will cordinate applicant and explain about scheduling the date and time of training. Applicant must have a desktop/laptop enabled good quality of internet connection with audio device.
What is the structure of certification test?
It is the last step of whole procedure. In this round our team will check the knowledge, communication skill and online panel operations.
What is the payment structure of certified tutors?
Payment structure will be based on the grade of a tutor. Any tutor can get three types of payment :-
1. Login Pay : It will be counted on the bases of attention on dashboad to pick student during their shift time.
2. UT Pay : It will be counted based on the time duration which tutor spend with student on whiteboard.
3. Peak hour Pay : As per different time zone, the tutor shift may be in night as per IST. So if a tutor join night shift then TutorArc will pay addition for tutoring in night.
For charge details, CLICK HERE
What will be the base of tutor monthly salary?
Every tutor will get its salary based on the login time, UT and peak hour time. In tutor panel, it can see in daily payment report.
When and how tutor get salary?
All tutor payment will be released in 2nd week of month. Tutor will get salary in their bank account which they had provided us during the final selection.
Is there any upgradation/promotion procedure?
Yes, if a tutor score a rating of 4 or more during last 6 month and is eligible for upgradation then tutor may be upgrade as per grade or grade payment. More details are available in tutor panel.
What will be country of students which will join to learn?
Student can join session who belongs to India, US & UK. Kindly ensure with their knowlege as per associated grade and subject.
What will be the timings for tutoring?
It will be 4 to 6 hour shift duration. We provide multi shift time options and tutor need to select any one shift as per available schedule.
Is there any weekly off day?
Yes, one day will be weekly off. It will be decided with discussion with a tutor at the time of joining.
How much can a tutor earn monthly?
A tutor can earn up to Rs. 70,000 per month for 4 to 6 hour shift. Final earning will be based on dedication, performance and utilization time.
What is the minimum qualification for a certified tutor?
As per policy the tutor must be :-
Passed 12th Std. for Lower Grade (Upto 5th Std.)
Graduate for Medium Grade (6th to 9th Std.)
Post Graduate for Higher Grade (10th to 12th Std) and
Higher educational/professionals for College Grade.
All course/degree must be from recognised college/University.